
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Quick Getaway to PD on New Year's Day 2010

Last minute plan to have quick getaway to PD on new year's day. This trip was joined by Cicik's clan and Ayah Ngoh's clan. Its Hj Ahmad's sons trip together-gether...hehehehhe....
As usual, Aqeem can't see sight of pool. Tak sabar2 nak terjun. Quite concern coz he's just recovered from fever and school gonna open pretty soon. But Alhamdulillah, he's OK.
It was a fun trip. We had "karaoke jamban" session with Izzah and Aty. Izzah chose "Dancing Queen" and "Honey Honey" from ABBA. The songs selection was so "Sinar FM"!!!
On our way home we stopped at Nilai for lunch. Daddy's family, Cik Na's and Umi plus Atok already there waiting for us. It turn out to be a lunch gathering for the whole family (minus Cik su and family). The food was great! Daging salai masak lemak, Ikan asam pedas, Daging tetel asam pedas, pucuk paku goreng, ikan masin and ayam goreng! yummy!!!
After lunch, able to persuade my other half to make a quick stop at Nilai 3. I had been postponing the idea to change my sliding door's curtain for quite some time. Pilih punya pilih habis terbang RM300!! Luckily i'll be doing the sewing myself. Or else terbang another couple of hundreds!
Ni dia muka gumbira jumpa air!Ceh...! tunjuk skill floatingnyer yg power!!!
Dalam air bolehla Yong dukung, try tengok atas daratan lak! :D

Iman Zahra is being towed by Abg Aqeem...pon...pon...!
Annisa was scared using the float! Manja sangat! nak berdukung jer tomato sorang nih...

Cute Faces!!!

After long break of blogging (last one was on Aug 2009)I've decided to write today. Nothing much - just blabbering about my kids and posted few pics of my jantung hati. These people are my nyawa. Truly thank Allah for all He's given me so far. Hoping all my love ones will be given good health and happiness always.
Since we're still in New Year mood, here is my wish list for year 2010:-

1. Good health for everybody in family
2. Move to new/bigger house
3. Yong will get good result in SPM
4. Aqeem will continue to excel in school. Number 1 again I hope.
3. Nisa will learn to go to toilet herself - diapers free!!
5. Hubby will continue his Masters degree and stick to it!
6. Better career move for myself
7. Good health for my parents and my parents in-laws
8. Good health for both my sisters
9. Good health for myself

My kIdS!!! name is Anissa Zulaikha and I will turn 3 this year...i'm quite naugthy especially when my Mama and Ayah is around. I like to tease my brother Aqeem, like taking his stuffs, conteng his books and step on his laptop! hehehehe...My Mama quite garang tapi my Ayah jarang marah. I love my Yong and we like to do girlie stuffs together. When Mama at work, I stay with Mak Liza who like to cook me nasi goreng and bubur nasi. My favourite song now is "Injit injit sumut" and "Cerita Kedai Topi".

Its me again with Mama and Ayah!
This is my Yong Citam!
My brother Aqeem. Macho kan?

Hello? Hello? nak cakap ngan sapa?

My brother Aqeem. Sayaaaaang Abang!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Alangkah lamanyer....

Yaa......tersangatlah lamanye meninggalkan lapangan blogging ni....tersangatlah malasnya nak menulis. Disebabkan malas ya amat, aku postkan photos je la.....sharing the quality moments spent with by love ones....

This pic is taken on my 37th birthday...yup! i'm 37 years young! So happy Emak buat a small celebration for me....dah 37 tawun pon Mak still buat besday party! hehehehhe...!

Baru2 ni kami sekeluarga dijemput oleh Keluarga Ujie (my beras) to join them cuti2 ke PD. My in-laws also joining together with my adik2 ipars. Ada pulak pool untuk kekanak bersuka ria. Apa lagi...bebudak + mak bapak berbudak pon dusyuuummm....terjun lah. Melimpah ruah air kolam dibuatnya. Bok-bok1 (Aqeem) adalah kekanak yang mempunyai minat terlampau terhadap air. Kemudian kami discovered Bok-bok2 (Zaty) pon suka air. Air laut pon tak takut...terror aaah!
Bok-Bok1 (Aqeem) dengan eksyennye menunjukkan floating skillnye. Bok-bok bukan sebarang bok-bok tau. Masuk air takleh tenggelam tau! :)

Haaa.....ini Bok-bok2 (Zaty). Cukup suka air jugak....agaknye budak2 tembun ni memang suka berendam. hahahhahha

Ni dia bebudak yang buat mamanya pon kena berendam.

A quick family getaway to Genting on 31 July. Sukanya bebudak dapat naik rides - especially Aqeem who tried both indoor and outdoor rides with Ayah. Nisa & Mama just enjoyed indoor rides. Nisa so penat sampai tertido sambil tunggu Abam and Ayah done.

Toloooonnng!!!! get me out of here! saya tak bersalah! Abam yang buat!

Abam tengah boring tunggu Ayah parking tapi Nisa sempat pose cun! :)

Lovey-dovey! ngeh..ngeh...ngeh!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Hari ni tensen betul la. Tudung ni tak leh nak duduk diam2 hari ni. Dah 4 kali pi toilet betulkan tudung. Makin lama tudung ni makin jatuh - dah jadi macam muncung burung lak. tu la...dulu ada orang suruh beli tudung ekin tu aku lak tak brape gemo. Bila pakai muka nampak tembam semacam. Bukanla bermakna muka gua kurus, hehehehheh, tapi nak la nampak ada shape sket. Kalu tak bujur sirih pon, bior le nampak oval shape sket kan?
Lepas ni kalu kena gi toilet lagi, aku give up! aku akan ikat je tudung ni stail makcik gi pasar Jln Pudu. Hah! lantaklah...tensen!

this is just not my day! :(

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Crybaby me!

eeeeeeeeee.....inilah satu tabiat aku yang susah betul nak buang. Senang sangat nak nangis - tengok iklan Petronas nangis, tengok wayang sad ending nangis, tengok wayang happy ending pon nangis, tengok citer hindustan nangis and the latest one yesterday tengok iklan KFC bila minah tu bagi small change to a lady and end up that lady is her interviewer. Terharu giler lak! isk! Hubby dok gelak guling2 tengok aku emo semacam.

Hari tu tengok reality show - The Biggest Loser on channel 702 and bila one of the contestant kena balik aku dah mula emo. Kesian tengok dia kena balik lepas kena voted out. Muhahhahaha....macam tu pun sedey kan??

Kena cuba tak emotional sangat la. Sekarang ni asyik jadi bahan gelak hubby. Dulu Aqeem ada kata "Mama, jgn tengok citer ni (Bersamamu), nanti mama nangis". Tapi bilalah boleh buang tabiat ni....rasanya sampai bila2 aku dok gini - CENGENG!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Betul Betul! Betul!

Dulu-dulu aku memang jarang ambik pusing about politics or talk about politics. Sepanjang yang aku ingat aku cuma kenal 1 PM - Tun Mahathir. I dont really know whether personally he's a good man or not but one thing for sure - from his achivements, he's certainly have done wonders to Malaysia. Lately, to be precised, since Tun M stepped down and Pak Lah on the reign, I have uneasy feeling about living peacefully in my homeland called Malaysia. Satu, aku muak dengan perangai orang ramai yang suka protes jalanan, menyusahkan orang lain dan merosakkan harta benda awam (ini start when Anwar was sacked - i really tak respect this man). Dua, aku menyampah dengan politicians (both BN and PR) yang korup dan punya moral yang sama level ngan tapak kasut aku.

I came across this plea or article in one of the blogs I frequently visit. It is written by a trainer called Anas Zubedy and I had once attended a training by him. It is really make sense and bak kata Upin & Ipin - betul! betul! betul!

Happy reading!

Dear Malaysian Politicians,

Please stop the power chase, call for a truce and focus on the economy.I do not claim to speak on behalf of all Malaysians, but I have strong convictions that many share my sentiments. Our concern today is not who rules the country or heads the state governments but the looming bad economy.Whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat leads, it is meaningless if Malaysians have no job to go to, no money to pay rent and no means to put food on the table.I am a business owner, like other business owners and managers of corporations I have a responsibility to ensure people under my care and payroll continue to have jobs and a decent income to take home. We work hard and willing to go the extra mile to make sure our nation not only survive this crisis but come out stronger and wiser. We need your help.Let me explain. I am in the business of Training, Development and Consultancy and have 20 people in my team. Saedah is 42. She keeps the office clean and helps organise the training rooms. She has four children and her husband is unemployed. She was first hired on a part time basis, because she is very hard working and has a great attitude, we offered her a full time job to help provide a stable income for her family. Even then, when her third child started school this year, it was a struggle for her to buy new school uniforms and other necessities. Saedah lives on a ‘kais bulan, makan bulan’ basis, so, if she is jobless, her tap runs dry. Samsuri is 27 years old. He lives with his sister and her family in a low cost government flat in Sunway. He does our despatch, helps with various clerical works and occasionally acts as a driver. During the first week at zubedy, we learned that he not only did not have money to buy new clothes and shoes for work, he had no money for lunch. Like Saedah, if he has no job, his tap runs dry too.Alicia in Client Servicing turns 26 this year. She lives with her dad who is 71 years old and retired. Her mom passed away when she was little. Alicia is a hard-working team member, has a gentle caring outlook and fun to be with. (We like to poke fun at her as she blushes easily). Last May her dad went through a major operation, thank God he has recovered well. Alicia needs a job, both for herself and her dad.Sudesh, 38, is one of our facilitators. When his father passed away last year, he moved back and lives with his mother in Seremban. He shuttles between Kuala Lumpur and Seremban daily, leaving home sometimes as early as 4 in the morning and returning late at night. He is no stranger to hard work and sacrifice, he knows what he needs to do to survive and to care for his mother, but he too needs a job.Like fellow Malaysians, every one of us in zubedy needs employment, those that live from hand to mouth like Saedah and Samsuri and others like Alicia and Sudesh with family to care for. We Malaysians need the Malaysian economy to be strong. We need you, our leaders, to work hard and to work together to make our economy viable.

So this is my plea. Pakatan Rakyat, please stop your attempts to take over the federal government and persuade BN’s lawmakers to join you. Stop all legal proceedings, no more 916 and let go, just let go. The nation can wait till the next general elections if they want change. By doing so, Malaysians will see your party as caring, unselfish and gracious and give you their support in the next elections.Barisan Nasional, please stop any attempts to take over PR states and win over PR’s lawmakers. You have proven your point with Perak. The nation can wait for the next general elections if they want your party. Focus all your talent, energy and hard work in steering the country out of an economic downturn. By doing so, Malaysians will see your party as caring, unselfish and smart and give you their support in the next elections.BN and PR! Call for a truce. Get together and compromise. Someone has to give in. Or has hate consumed your heart till it blinds you? You can do it. You have enough intelligent people between you. I am sure you can find solutions. Take the nation to heart. That is why you are in politics in the first place. Focus on the people. Focus on the economy.

Anas Zubedy
Managing Director
Zubedy (M) Sdn Bhd

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Perkelahan Hua Hua Hua!

Pagi ni (2/22) kami sekeluarga plus Mak, Apak, Yang and Wancu pi berkelah kat Sg Tua. Sejuknyer......macam air ais! kecut-kecut semua anggota badan rasanya! muhahahhaha...

Mak masak sambal sotong, goreng ikan, goreng ayam & sayur pecal. Fuhh....makan tepi sungai lak tu. Memang sodap!

Aqeem seperti biasa tak boleh jumpa air. Beremdam macam tak sejuk. Hopefully malam ni tak payah la pi klinik for nebulizer.

ni dugong2 yang terlepas dr zoo(kecuali aqeem la). muhahahahha!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Aqeem cabut gigi!

Dari semalam (2/15) dia merengek sakit gigi tapi disebabkan tak ada dental yang bukak malam hari, just bagi dia panadol untuk tahan sakit. Since esoknya dia skolah, I was asking him to skip school and we'd go to dentist early in the morning (that's means I'll be late to office..mmm..). Dia beriya2 tak nak skip school. Nak pegi skolah jugak2. Aik!! pelik gak apsal sakit2 gigi pon nak pegi skolah. Rupa2nya dia ada 'giving ketua kelas name tag ceremony' during the assembly on Monday. Laaa.......itu sebabnya Aqeem ni ketua kelas and skolah dia ada special ceremony to give out name tags during morning assembly. Waaa....canggih gak kan? Aqeem ni skema sket...pegi skolah mesti pakai tie (without fail!) ambik name tag ni quite a big deal for him. So okaylah....i was telling him kalu sakit gigi lagi after school, give me a call and i'll bring him to dentist.

Tengahari he called merengek lagi kata gigi sakit. Nasib baik boss okay with me leaving early today (hopefully dia tak suruh apply 1/2 day leave! hehehe). Sampai kat dental orang punya la ramai and turn Aqeem was in about an hour. Disebabkan dia tak lunch lagi & perut pon dah berbunyi better pi makan dulu.

Mama : Aqeem lapar tak? tadi dah makan?

Aqeem : (dengan muka penyek) lapar tapi sakit gigiiii......tadi makan sikit je.

Mama : Rehat tadi makan tak?

Aqeem :Makan. Meehoon sup.. 2 pinggan tapi. (tersengih2)

Mama : Hah? 2 pinggan? kira kenyang la ni?

Aqeem : (muka penyek balik) tapi Aqeem lapar lagi...sakit gigiiiii....

Mama : nak makan apa?

Aqeem : Bubur McD boley takkk? (Sambil tangan pegang pipi...sakit betul la ni...cian..)

Mama : (dlm hati - ish...tgh boikot McD ni lgpon alahai jauhnye...mmm) McD jauh la baby. Kita makan PizzaHut nak?

Aqeem : (dengan muka berseri2 mcm tak sakit apa) nak! nak!

Mama : Aik?? dah tak sakit gigi dah?

Aqeem : hehehhe....sakit lagi ni. Takpe Aqeem makan kat belah yang tak sakit ni Mama.

Mama : Pandainye....

inilah contoh budak yang merengek2 sakit gigi tapi PizzaHut is proven to be a very good pain killer. Pain seems to go away speedily!

still ada effect pain killer sebab takde tanda2 sakit gigi. Muka enjoying the food to the maximum!


Finally... ni dia giginya! Esok skolah!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hey Friend - this is for you

I would like to dedicate this song to a close friend of mine (you know who you are!).

Dear Friend,
you're young, beautiful, have good career, friends and family. Go to hell with HIM! HE don't deserve you and you're better off without him. If he prefers the BITCH, let it be. Macam hensem sangat! Hensem lagi Atuk aku!

So , when I heard this song last nite, it reminds me of you. Girl, its time for you to move on and forget about him.

SO WHAT (Pink)

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I guess i just lost my boyfriend
I don't know where he went
So i'm gonna drink my money
I'm not gonna pay his rent (Nope)
I got a brand new attitude
And i'm gonna wear it tonight
I wanna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I wanna start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I wanna start a fight
So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rockstar I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight
Uh, check my flow, uh
The waiter just took my table A
nd gave to Jessica Simp- Shit!
I guess i'll go sit with drum boy
At least he'll know how to hit
What if this song's on the radio
Then somebody's gonna die
I'm gonna get in trouble
My ex will start a fight
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
He's gonna start a fight Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
We're all gonna get in a fight!
So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight I'm alright,
I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight
You weren't there
You never were
You want it all
But thats not fair
I gave you love
I gave my all
You weren't there
You let me fall
So so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don't need you
And guess what I'm having more fun
And now that we're done (we're done)
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright(I'm alright),
I'm just fine (I'm just fine)
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight
No No, No No
I Don't want you tonight
You weren't there I'm gonna show you tonight I'm alright,
I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?
I am a rock star I got my rock moves
And i don't want you tonight
Ba da da da da da

Monday, January 19, 2009

My wedding ring

wooohooo.....after so long my hubby got my wedding ring fixed yesterday. My ring has been "stoneless" for quite a while. Ntah macamana about 3 months back batunya tercabut and cincinnya "rongak". Lama jugakla usha dia to fix it. Tengok macam buat derk je...kocik ati den! So ingatkan nak pi fix sendri tapi masa gi kat satu kedai tu estimate ribu2 lak. Alahai....takdek budget!! hehehhehe....

Tak semena-mena on Friday (1/16) hubby kat jom la pi betulkan cincin. Conversation lebih kurang camni la...

dia : jom la betulkan cincin esok.

me : huh?? (muka terkejut brok)

dia : la...nak ajak betulkan cincin pon muka moncong gak....

me : bukan moncong la...ingatkan dah taknak betulkan... (merajuk la konon but trust me my hubby tak reti pujuk punye!)

dia : elleeehh................

so semalam (1/18) my ring got fixed! wooohoooo! brape it cost my hubby takyah la declare kat sini. I'm just glad I can wear my wedding ring again! :)

p/s: jam tu pon hubby. He also have one exactly the same but bigger.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weekend getaway - PD (3Jan'09)

Ni betul2 last minute planning. Dah la 2 days sebelum bukak skolah.Then takde prior booking. So kami redah je thinking mana ada orang gi vacation time2 gini kan? Round2 PD sambil thinking hotel mana nak pi. Mula2 ingat nak pi Avillion. Tanya ratenya adala lebih kurang RM450++ per nite. Huh?? mahal gak kan? Okay takpe..kami pi round lagi. Call Legend Water Chalet. Murah sket la...mmmm....macam tak berbaloi lak spend mahal2 tapi nak dok semalam je. Lebih baik spend for dinner/makan lagi best! So kami agreed on Bayu Beach Resort. One good thing about this place (apart of much less compared to Avillion) dia ada both pool and beach. Then called mak and apak to join us here. A couple of hours later the whole bunch arrived and bebudak ni punya la suka.

ni si buah hati tengah posing kat lobby Bayu Beach. Monkey kat tangan tu takleh lepas. Sayang betul dia kat monkey sekor tu.

Aqeem memang leka dengan PSPnya. Suruh tengok camera pon taknak. Adik Nisa seperti biasa posing abis punya! :)

Cekcinya si manja sorang ni. Tak sabo2 nak gi kolam. tak nyempat2!

di dah nak balik KL. Posing with Nisa tapi dia taknak senyum.

Atuk & Maktok with all the cucus. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2008 Year End vacations

On 24 Dec, kami (family on my hubby's side) ramai2 konvoi pi Langkawi. Kami konvoi 4 keta. It was really fun (off course tiring!) bila ada opportunity pi jalan2 ramai. While the rest stay at BSN's apt, we opt for staying at Bayview Hotel. Bukan apa, rasanya apt tu dah cukup crowded dah. Tapi on the 3rd day all of us stayed at Tok Senik Resort. Kami dah pi Langkawi several times but this was the first time we stayed at Tok Senik's. Seronok jugak coz it was surrounded by nature (my son's said it was hutan!:) ).

This pic was taken at on top of Gunung Raya. Sebenarnya jumpa jalan pi Gunung Raya ni by mistake je. We was trying to find our way to Cable Car. Dalam kepala dok ingat cable car tu kat Gunung Raya. So menonong je ikut signage pi Gunung Raya. Nak jadi cerita my hubby plak tu yang kena lead the way. Tapi even though it was the wrong place but it was reaalllllyyy nice. It turn out to be a pleasant sesat adventure! hehehehe. There's a resort up there called 'Coconut Hill Resort'. We paid RM10 each to up their look over tower. From there we can see a few Thailand's islands. The view was superb!

My little princess dok berkepit ngan Ayahnya. It was at Dataran Lang (yang ada patung helang beso tu). Annisa ni jenis penakut sket kat strangers, so bila kat public yang banyak orang, dok berkepit je la.

This is at the entrance of Coconut Hill Resort, on top of Gunung Raya. Sejukkkk.....

Nurul and Aqeem posing at Gunung Raya. Take a look at the view behind them. Simply beautiful.

Ni dia kanak2 yang tak boleh jumpa air. Nurul, Aqeem & Annisa at Bayview's pool. I had a hard time pangge depa naik atas. Nurul & Nisa ok jugakla but Aqeem punya favourite request "Mama, 5 minutss! 5 minutes!" 5 min boleh jadi setengah jam!

On the way balik singgah 1 malam kat Alor Star. Kami stayed at Regency. This pic taken at the lobby. Haris (Aqeem's cousin) is also in this pic. Haris & Aqeem are the only boys among their cousins on my hubby's side. That somehow made them good friends. Dulu masa kecik2 selalu gaduh. Sekarang bila realize only 2 of them can play together and share toys, barulah BFF !! hehehhe

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Lagu best specially dedicated to my other half :)

I've been in love with this song for quite a while and today I would like to dedicate this song to my hubby....yeay!
The lyric is so kena with how I feel towards him. So bila kat opis pasang headphone nyanyi tang Colbie punya part sambil imagine he's singging Jason Mraz punya part. kakakkakka....perasan tahap gaban!

So here it goes....lets sing together-gether...

LUCKY – Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat

Do you hear me,
Talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair

though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Monday, December 22, 2008

He's back! :)

Yup! He's back! Kids and me went to pick him at KL Sentral yesterday. Ingatkan nak pick up kat KLIA and take the opportunity to show Nisa real planes (instead of showing her pics of planes in books). But then Ayahnye tak bagi. Tak caya I can control her during the whole journey to KLIA. Memang pon Nisa will not sit still in her car seat tapi takdelah uncontrollable sangat. But what to do...big boss kata jemput kat KL Sentral, ikut jelah.
Bila Nisa nampak je muka ayah dia...waa....excitednye dia. Abangnya pun sama. Rindu sangat depa kat Ayahnya. Mamanya pon sama! huhuhu...!

ni dia budak yang tak reti dok diam ni. This is the same budak yang lari macam Naruto (both hands kat belakang while running). Budak ini la jugak yang baling jam loceng ke muka Mamanya sampai lebam. sigh.....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Proud brother!

I found this pic taken on the day Annisa Zulaikha was born. I like the expression on Aqeem's face. Its like saying " this is my sister, don't you dare messin' with her!" hehehhee..
Annisa Zulaikha Zurkimin was born on 6 September 2008 at DEMC Shah Alam.

Lamanya outstation......

Hari ni hari yang ke-lima my other half pi outstation. Another 2 days to go. Lamanya rasa. Rindunya rasa. Maybe sesetengah orang will say, ngada2 la tu. Tak leh jauh dari hubby sket. Bukan soal ngada2 but I really do missed him. Dah la 2 hari lepas demam. This is my Mama (mak mertua) exact words to my daughter, "Ayah baru pegi 2 hari Mamanya dah demam". Aku dengar sambil sengih je. Speechless. Selalunya bebudak or babies yang demam kalu parents depa jauh kan? Anyway, i don't think aku demam sebab hubby gi outstation. Dah memang nak demam time tu, nak buat camne kan? Tapi time demam ni la kita rasa alangkah bestnya kalu yang tersayang tu ada kat sebelah. Boleh amikkan air, amikkan ubat then picitkan kepala. Lepas tu bebel sket pasal aku susah nak telan ubat. So sweet. Sigh.....another 2 days to go.

One more thing kesian kat my baby Nisa who is quite attached to her Ayah. Dengar je bunyi kereta, trus berlari kat porch sambil jerit "Ayah! Ayah!". Then abangnya Aqeem consoled, "itu Mama la. Ayah kan pegi work". Sedih kan? kesian...

Semalam Nisa tido awal. Aku time tu rasa syok sebab boleh la aku pon tido awal sama. Tiba-tibe ada bau wangi and feel something on my face. Bukak mata je "Ya Allah! Nisaaa!!!". Muka aku penuh dengan bedak. Half of my bed penuh dengan bedak. Muka dia jgn cerita la. Macam tepung gomak! Toing!!! aku automatically bangun and kibas muka then settlekan muka dia. Lepas tu pikir nak ganti cadar ke tidak. Tengok jam dah pukul 2am. Malehnya nak pi tukar cadar. mmm... amik selimut, then hamparkan je atas bedak tu. Abih cerita. Lepas tu pegang dua2 pipi Nisa with my both hands, "ngape Nisa main bedak ni?". Dia jawab "de dede de de" - her own 1 yr 3 months old language. Bertuah betul anak dara Zurkimin ni. Sabor je la.....

Tengok jam dah pukul 2:30am...mata dah tak leh tido. Turn on TV. HBO tak abih-abih re-run movie yang sama. Boring. Tengok SWR ada ulang Heroes. Boleh la layan jap. Sambil tu pujuk Nisa "meh la ido-ido sayang. Sayang mama tak?" Cup! dia cium kat pipi. hehehehe...bahagianya!
Dah dekat pukul 3am dia pun belayar......tangan dia dok peluk patung Barney dia yang dah lembek tu. Abang Aqeem dari tadi tak tergugat tido dia. Aku pon rasa better aku tido or else besok lambat for my 8:30am meeting tomorrow.
still missing my bantal peluk.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............................

Thursday, November 27, 2008

its been a long long time....

when was the last time i was here? 2006?? whoaa....!! that's awfully long time ago.

what makes me blogging now? jealousy! hahahhahaha....! everyday i spend some of my time reading other people's blog and wonder when i can finally have my blog active again. lagipon deep inside i always wanted to be a writer. i love books and always thinking i can write better or present the ideas better than most books i read. (perasan la tu!)
the problem is i can never have the discipline to sit down and write/type. now i will try to write at least 100 words a day. topics?? everything! from entertainment, gossips, frustrations, friends and down to gory politics! me? talking about politics? hahahhaha...that will be the first!

is it 100 words already? :P

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Teringat time kat Ypsi....

now lunch usual tak pegi lunch. most of time tak pegi sebab workload tapi today sebab dah pekena roti tampal in the morning....sunyi sepi sekarang nih....tu yang masuk blog nih...:)
semalam ingatkan jadi la pi aerobik ngan kak long....tak sempat gak.....macamana la nak slim...hehehe

tengah dok arrange old pictures dlm drawer, saw a few pics of me and frens at Ypsi.....seems like yesterday tapi dah dekat almost 10 years i wish i can get back to my old figure! not to say that i'm fat now, just nice lah...muhahahhaha.....
i remember my accord gang (coala, chique and ninie)...other than ITM, EMU time is among the best time in my life. i got my driving licence there, enrolled myself in taekwondo sampai blue belt (ha! jgn tak caya!), rollerblading (kakakkaka), skiing and the best of all met my wonderful hubby there.

last week liza fr jb called. that was the first time we chat after graduated and left Ypsi. she's settle down in jb right now. we talked about having a reunion tapi entahler......selalu je tak menjadi. kalu menjadik best gak.....its always fun having frens around chat about good old days....mmmm...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

First Try!!

i always wanted to create myself a blog and i've been postponing the idea since last 2 years....lama tu....nak start tu payah sungguh.....with office works, house works, hubby and baby, finding time for myself is quite a challenge....(alasan.....kakkaka). so now...dah start dah ni and kena la discipline enough to keep on updating this blog....for today tak banyak nak tulih lagi....kerja pon berlambak lagi tu....ingatkan nak balik awal sket today....join kak long and durrah aerobik today.....balik rumah around 7pm la kot... chow chin chow!