
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein

Monday, December 22, 2008

He's back! :)

Yup! He's back! Kids and me went to pick him at KL Sentral yesterday. Ingatkan nak pick up kat KLIA and take the opportunity to show Nisa real planes (instead of showing her pics of planes in books). But then Ayahnye tak bagi. Tak caya I can control her during the whole journey to KLIA. Memang pon Nisa will not sit still in her car seat tapi takdelah uncontrollable sangat. But what to do...big boss kata jemput kat KL Sentral, ikut jelah.
Bila Nisa nampak je muka ayah dia...waa....excitednye dia. Abangnya pun sama. Rindu sangat depa kat Ayahnya. Mamanya pon sama! huhuhu...!

ni dia budak yang tak reti dok diam ni. This is the same budak yang lari macam Naruto (both hands kat belakang while running). Budak ini la jugak yang baling jam loceng ke muka Mamanya sampai lebam. sigh.....

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