
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein

Monday, January 19, 2009

My wedding ring

wooohooo.....after so long my hubby got my wedding ring fixed yesterday. My ring has been "stoneless" for quite a while. Ntah macamana about 3 months back batunya tercabut and cincinnya "rongak". Lama jugakla usha dia to fix it. Tengok macam buat derk je...kocik ati den! So ingatkan nak pi fix sendri tapi masa gi kat satu kedai tu estimate ribu2 lak. Alahai....takdek budget!! hehehhehe....

Tak semena-mena on Friday (1/16) hubby kat jom la pi betulkan cincin. Conversation lebih kurang camni la...

dia : jom la betulkan cincin esok.

me : huh?? (muka terkejut brok)

dia : la...nak ajak betulkan cincin pon muka moncong gak....

me : bukan moncong la...ingatkan dah taknak betulkan... (merajuk la konon but trust me my hubby tak reti pujuk punye!)

dia : elleeehh................

so semalam (1/18) my ring got fixed! wooohoooo! brape it cost my hubby takyah la declare kat sini. I'm just glad I can wear my wedding ring again! :)

p/s: jam tu pon hubby. He also have one exactly the same but bigger.


Siti Blogger said...

Wahh...syioknye...macam dpt cincin baru giteww...

Aku tengok computer screen ko tu mcm takde kaitan dgn keje jek hehehe...

mycute&comel said...

muhahhaha....cesss...ko perasan rupenye...itu screen FB! huahuahua...

bukan cincin baru ler...ganti batu jer...aku dah decide kalu Kimin tak ganti by this month, aku carik batu jalan letak kat cincin tuh! sindir ganas tuh!