
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weekend getaway - PD (3Jan'09)

Ni betul2 last minute planning. Dah la 2 days sebelum bukak skolah.Then takde prior booking. So kami redah je thinking mana ada orang gi vacation time2 gini kan? Round2 PD sambil thinking hotel mana nak pi. Mula2 ingat nak pi Avillion. Tanya ratenya adala lebih kurang RM450++ per nite. Huh?? mahal gak kan? Okay takpe..kami pi round lagi. Call Legend Water Chalet. Murah sket la...mmmm....macam tak berbaloi lak spend mahal2 tapi nak dok semalam je. Lebih baik spend for dinner/makan lagi best! So kami agreed on Bayu Beach Resort. One good thing about this place (apart of much less compared to Avillion) dia ada both pool and beach. Then called mak and apak to join us here. A couple of hours later the whole bunch arrived and bebudak ni punya la suka.

ni si buah hati tengah posing kat lobby Bayu Beach. Monkey kat tangan tu takleh lepas. Sayang betul dia kat monkey sekor tu.

Aqeem memang leka dengan PSPnya. Suruh tengok camera pon taknak. Adik Nisa seperti biasa posing abis punya! :)

Cekcinya si manja sorang ni. Tak sabo2 nak gi kolam. tak nyempat2!

di dah nak balik KL. Posing with Nisa tapi dia taknak senyum.

Atuk & Maktok with all the cucus. :)

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